Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 20! Feeling Skinny!

I'm feeling thinner, even though technically I've only lost a few pounds. I'm hoping for another 1lb loss this week, which would put me at 3.6lbs. It's going slow, but the finish line doesn't seem so far off. In just a couple weeks, I'll once again be saying goodbye to the 140's and entering the 130's. And then hopefully in a few months, I can say goodbye to the 130's and enter the 120's. Somewhere I haven't been in almost 5 years, and I'm ready to be back there.

I'm still diligent in my tracking, and not going over my points. I'm not perfect everyweek, but I'm in control, and I have so much confidence in myself that I'm not going to give up this time like so many times before.

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