Tuesday, July 13, 2010


So the rest of Monday was a bit crazy. I got home from work and wanted to Calibrate my Nike+. I mapped out a 1 mile run near the house, and Josh and I went on our way. I was hesitant about the 1 mile run as I needed to do it without stopping to get a true calibration. I've never been able to run 1/2 mile in real life (aka, not on a treadmill) let alone a mile. But, I did it. I stopped for like 10 seconds at about 3/4's of a mile, but kept on going. I ran it in 9 minutes and change - something I've never done, even on a treadmill. Perhaps my body is tougher than I thought. I saw for a few minutes to catch my breath, and then started the 1 mile walk back. The walk was spot on - no calibration needed there. The run registered a bit over - at 1.12 miles, so I adjusted it a bit.

I guess it just doesn't register correctly on treadmills...which makes sense, but also kind of sucks as I won't get true data when I run on the treadmill. I could always get an extra sensor to calibrate specifically for the treadmill...but that seems like a pain. We'll see.

After this 2 mile workout, I headed off to bootcamp. I was excited that we would finally be working out in the gym tonight as opposed to the parking lot. I hate getting dirty out there. Then I saw that we were going to be following a DVD, and not any DVD, but Insanity. I had read about it, and I knew it was hard.

Within the first 5 minutes I was already sweating profusely. Some of the moves were flat out ridiculous, so I modified them into something I was able to do. When I felt myself getting nauseous, I jogged/walked a lap around the gym and started back up. I did notice that I'm getting a lot more sturdy in my pushups. I tried doing normal (not girl) pushup and realized that I had a hard time even doing one. Whats up with that, when I can do girl push ups with ease...well, for awhile.

I got home from that, drenched, and ate my Subway Sandwich that Josh had picked up earlier in the evening. It was delicious...moreso than usual for some reason. Perhaps because I just worked my ass off.

Joe ended up coming over and we started talking about ice cream. I had a point left...which wasn't enough for Baskin Robbins or Menchies, but I tried to convince Josh that because I had worked out so much tonight, I needed extra calories. I ended up being good and we went to Ralphs and I got some 2pt Weight Watcher Ice Cream Cones that hit the spot.

I'm realizing that my new shoes might just be a tad bit small...unfortunately. My right big toe started hurting towards the end of the evening - apparently my right food is just slightly bigger than my left. It's too late to exchange the shoe, so hopefully they'll stretch out just enough that it won't be a problem.

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