Monday, July 12, 2010

Boo's and Yay's

So I haven't been dieting like I should be...I've been eating out, like fast food & restaurants. I haven't completely fallen off, but, I'm teetering. However, I've accomplished something I never thought I could do. I ran 2 miles. Without stopping. AND! I wasn't dying. I walked for about 10 minutes, then ran for another 10 minutes. I walked 4 miles in an hour, which is roughly a 15 minute miles. That's not impressive by any means, but its decent. And by run, I do mean a moderate jog...4.0 on the treadmil, 4.2 at some points. This could very well have been a fast walk if I decided to stop jogging, but I jogged...RAN!!!

I can't wait to try again tomorrow, since tonight is bootcamp.

Now I just need to get back on this diet thing...AGAIN! I stopped weighing myself every day because it was just driving me crazy. I can't do that to myself...I knew better.

Here's what I packed for breakfast/lunch:

Slim Fast - 3pts
Lean Cuisine - 5pts
Raisin's - 1pt
100 Cal Pack of Cookies - 2pts

11pts, 9pts for dinner

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