Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I fell off the wagon!

So...I had every intention of eating well while on my camping trip. I had pre-planned a menu, with points and everything. That was all ruined when a bear ate all our food and I was so frustrated I said fuck the world and rebelled by going to a breakfast buffet, eating hamburgers, and sandwiches galore. I even bought a bag of sour gummie worms.

Unfortunately, I got home and nothing has changed. I had pizza on Sunday night, and Wendy's last night. I thought I would do well today and ordered a salad, but I finished the flat bread first, and then decided to eat the 4 pieces of chocolate covered macadamia nuts that was left on my desk.

I desperately need to get back on the wagon. I was great for 5 weeks...and now, I've lost it.

I hope that once we have food back in the house, and I'm on a regular gym schedule again, all will be fine.

It doesn't help that I'm PMS'ing like crazy and am craving everything sweet in sight.

I need to get back on the wagon, asap, like right now so I don't do anymore damage than I already have.

It's sad what a little 4 day trip can do to screw up all the hard work you've done...and it's a bit crazy how much you rely on routine to make good decisions.

Needless to say, I am NOT looking forward to this weigh in.

Come back MOTIVATION!!!!!!!

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