Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So this weekend, I pretty much stuffed my face with everything and anything I could get my hands on. Donuts, cookies, breakfast sandwiches, cheese sticks, burgers, fries...you name it. It wasn't good. I gained 2lbs, so I'm back up to 150.1, but what can you do but correct your problem, move past it, and keep on working toward that goal. That's my plan.

After scarfing down fried foods for lunch after I got home and feeling sorry for myself, I asked what I was doing and why I was doing it. So, I turned off the TV and turned on my Wii Fit, and did an hours worth of exercise. Lots of step aerobics. At one point I put on the free step for 30 minutes and watched the rest of biggest loser. I did like 2200 steps or something, so that was good. I did some boxing, and yoga exercises as well.

For dinner I had a bagel w cream cheese.

I'm starting my period, which I think contributed to my sweet tooth, big time. But no excuses, I was bad, and I know it.

So it's the start of a new day, and while dieting, thats all you can do. Take it a day a time...and really, even one meal at a time.

I got a call from the Radiology Department at Kaiser telling me that my doctor has ordered a Biopsy, so I'm scheduled to get that done on Tuesday, so that will be thrilling. They told me I should have someone to drive me home, so I called Josh and he was more than willing to miss some work to be there with me. I love him. So it'll be nice not to be there alone. Have I mentioned that he's the best boyfriend ever. He is.

Okay, enough blabbing for today.

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