Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Food 2/3/09

Slim Fast - 3

Curves Bar - 1

Salad with Tomatoes and Light Asian Ginger Dressing - 2
Coke Zero - 0
Pudding - 1

Curves Bar - 1

3 Carne Asada Tacos - 9pts

Total Used: 15
Total Remaining: 6

So, my food was pretty good, but I went on a sweets binge at home. First, the 2-bite cupcakes. Good lord. Then I got to my Moms and she had made Fudge. I can't resist her Fudge. So I know I used more than those 6pts, but probably not by much. I'd say I went over by 4 today. Le Sigh.

Why can't I be stronger!!!!!

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