Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Thank You, Brain

My brain is following the cues of my eating habits, and I feel like a skinny person, proud of how well I'm doing and confident in my abilities. I don't feel like a big fat lazy bum, which has been the case for awhile.

I didn't go to the gym yesterday, but I'm ok with that. I'm not too worried with the excercise portion, as long as I'm eating right. If I slip up and scarf down a bag of Salt and Vinegar chips, then yeah, I'd make it a point to hit the gym.

With Weight Watchers, I know it's all about points, which is decided by Calories, Fat and Fiber, but I wonder how many calories I'm actually taking in a day. Points, are based off of 50 calories per point. If there's more fiber, you can have up to 90 calories in a point, but if theres alot of fat, that will lower the amount of calories per point. But, just going off of 50 calories/point, I'm eating roughly 1050 calories a day. But, I try to eat a lot of stuff with fiber, so I probably get up to 1200/day. That's interesting.

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