Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Scale

So, I weighed myself again after I got home. I put it in the kitchen this time, and put it in a place where there weren't any grooves in the tiles, the same place I got my 151 yesterday. Today it read 150.4. Thats more like it. I'm going to amend my weight loss.
I first weighed myself in the bathroom to get my 151.4, the same place that kept giving me varying weights. I moved it to the kitchen where it gave me my 155, that I said nope to at the time. I didn't want to believe that I had manage to gain back almost ALL the weight I had lost...but, I believe that this is the actual weight.

From past experiences with Weight Watchers, I know whats the norm for week one, and thats it.

Now, week 2, that'll be the challenge.

Ooh, I also found a multivitamin that doesn't make me sick! Another step towards being healthy!

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