Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Dinner was a success

I would say yesterday was certainly a "check" in the world of diets. I had 11 points going into dinner, but when I got home I was starving. I opened up my bag of raw broccoli and carrots and devoured half of it...but its veggies, 0 points! To be on the safe side, I'll count 1 point for the Light Veggie dip I used.
Still hungry, I had two slices of Weight Watchers cheese, at a point each. Soo, 2 points there.

For dinner I had a Veggie Burger, Corn and Edamame, all in all, about 5 points.

For dessert, I had a weight watchers ice cream cup, 2 points.

When Josh got home I had 2 bites of his burger and a french fry, so just to be safe, we'll assign a point to that.

That equals 21 points, my exact daily allotment of points.

Today's food that I have packed:
Weight Watchers Blueberry Muffin - 3 Points
Veggies and Light Dip - 1 point
Sandwich - 4 points
Pickle - 0 points
100 Cal Cheez-its - 2
100 Cal Cookies - 2

Thats 12 points total, leaving me 9 points for tonight.

My goal for today is to drink only water. I'm not having my normal morning coffee, and I didn't bring a Coke Zero with me for lunch. You're supposed to get 64 oz of water a day, and I know I'm drinking no where near that. Water is an essential part of weight loss, and I need to drink more.

Maybe I'll even work out tonight!

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