Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 15: Weigh-in Results!

Weigh-in Results!
I lost 1.8lbs last week, for a total of 2.6 in 2 weeks. I'm so pleased. And not only am I not slacking off, I'm actually getting more into it, being more precise with the tracking and realizing its importance. I'm not guessing, or telling myself, "Oh, I probably have enough points for that so I don't have to worry about counting them" like I've done countless times before.

And the best part is having a clean slate. I'm approaching this weight loss on a week to week outlook. Who cares about last week and who cares about this week. I just need to succeed THIS week.

Week Three Obstacles
Obstacle #1: Mexi-Casa. Your run of the mill mexican restaurant with all the fried tortilla chips, greasy tacos and cheesy burritos you could ask for. They don't have a menu online and they certainly don't have their nutritional's posted. But, it just so happens to be Josh-n-Laws FAVORITE restaurant. I'm still unsure about what to order that won't break the bank, but I'll figure it out. Chicken Fajitas seem to be recommended on most websites.
Obstacle #2. Superbowl. With BBQ, and Chips, and Dips and snacks to my hearts galore, with friends and family all participating in the binge. This is going to take some major planning, not only with making sure there are foods there for me to eat, but also portioning out and tracking some of the unhealthy things too. My goal is to have everything I will be eating planned and portioned out before anyone even gets there, perhaps even already set to the side. I really do not want to use my allowance points this week, and hopefully see another 1lb+ loss next week.

In other news, I have an eye appointment after work. They're dilating my eyes to do a more thorough exam to hopefully figure out why my eyes are changing so quickly. I'm almost not sure what I want to hear. That yes, there IS something wrong, or NO, we don't see anything wrong, you're eyes are just changing quickly.

I love my husband. He's the absolute best, and I know I don't show my appreciation nearly enough. He's kind, and loving, and is always helping around the house without complaint. Basically, he's awesome. He'd be REALLY awesome if he ordered me Flowers on Valentines Day to be delivered to my work, lol.


Anonymous said...

*hint hint*

Anonymous said...

*hint hint*