Friday, January 28, 2011

Weigh-In #1, Day 9

I lost 0.8lbs. Needless to say, I was disappointed. I could have done better. I used up almost all my allowance points, which explains the small loss, but it IS a loss, and I can't lose sight of that. I didn't gain it overnight, and I'm not going to lose it overnight either.

I'd also like to blame it on my lack of, you know, "going". It had been a couple of days, and was feeling pretty bloated, though no matter how often I tried it just wasn't happening. This is TMI, I know, but I took a laxative yesterday afternoon and it finally kicked in this morning.

But I know I need to do better with not using my allowance points. I didn't need to use them and I did just because of a lack of planning and lack of discipline.

It was a really hard week, aside from weight loss. I worked 10+ hours a day, usually without a lunch break, and it was just really stressful. People pissed me off left and right, and I'm physically and emotionally exhausted.

I'm going to the gym after work today because even though I'm tired, I need some physical activity. Although, maybe not - I really hurt my back somehow. Would it be that bad if I just went home and played the part of a couch potato for a night. I don't think so. Would it be that bad if I went to Target and bought all the Twilight movies and had a movie marathon. I think Josh would probably strangle me.

I'm tired.

3 hours of work.

I avoided eating a donut today. That's pretty good. I had egg beaters, with a english muffin, and subway for lunch. So good. One meal at a time.

This post is so random.


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