Wednesday, April 22, 2009


A few people noticed that I was looking thinner today, which felt nice. The side pudge has definitely started going away. Now if I can only get it to go away in the front side....and the back side...and the down side (my thighs).

I know I get discouraged from time about the hours I put in at the gym, and the results at the scale. But it has only been a little over the month and I'm down 6.2lbs (as of last week)and I've lost 5% body fat (as of 2 weeks ago) and I do see my body slightly changes. Arms more defined, less cottage cheese in my butt. I feel like I've got a rock hard bod under all this fat, lol. I'll uncover it, one day.

I weighed myself this morning on my scale...146.8. That's 1.4 down from last week. That's pretty nice. Hopefully that'll hold. That would be a total of 7.6lbs. That would mean only 6lbs to lose by May 20th, which is very doable.

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