Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Eating Patterns and New Things!

While I was packing up my food for the day, I started thinking about how the times that I eat.

I get to work at 7:30 and eat breakfast there. Not only do I not really have time while getting ready at home to stop and eat breakfast, eating breakfast at work kills a good 30 minutes. I usually check/update blogs, go through my work email, etc.

I don't usually need a snack between breakfast and lunch, although occassionally I'll start getting really hungry and will eat something so that when it comes lunch time, I'm not ready to scarf everything in sight. Today, however, I drank 2 bottles of water and was pretty satisfied until lunch.

I eat lunch right at noon, and will have a combo of entree, side and dessert. All diet friendly of course.

At about 3, I start getting the munchies. I'm not necessarily hungry, but this is right about when cravings start to happen.

By 5, I'm starving, and will have a snack, but, I continue to be hungry. Here's where things get tricky. I can eat dinner now, but I'll probably be ready to snack later in the evening. It doesn't help that Josh will come home from work around 8:30 and most likely eat something that is on my "Do Not Eat" list. He'll usually leave some at the end for me to finish.

I've been good, for the most part, not great, but I haven't fallen completely over the deep-end. Just kinda peeked over for a few seconds.

So thats usually how my day goes. Now for the new things!
I bought 6 work-out dvd's.
One is called Skinny Bitch Fitness: Boot Camp, and the other one is a 5 DVD Set by Jillian Michaels of Biggest Loser

I'm pretty excited to get them. Going to work out on the treadmill at the gym gets boring. Sure it burns calories and fat, but how far is walking/jogging going to get me. These will help work out my entire body and burn calories.

The reviews about Jillians DVD's are pretty scary. Many said its not good for beginners, but some people said they saw results pretty quickly. I'm going to start with the Skinny Bitch Fitness (love that title) and work myself up to Jillians.

Who knows, you might even see me in a bikini this summer!


DebRiver said...

i need to make copies of those dvds once you get them, :)

Atomicartist said...

Well kim.. we all know the pain of the munchies attack. So iam proud that you are finding good ways to try to avoid them. Saying no to leftovers extra food. iam going to say the hardest thing that i needed to get over in my personal house. SInce everyone eats at different times they're are plenty left overs to attack. BE STRONG. DVDs sound like it will be great addition.. if your gym has a dance class take it.. I take hip hop and its helping with my movement , balance and it burns hella lot of calories. I recomment them :) have fun with the DVDS i cant wait to hear a review. :)